Friday, August 13, 2010


July 9th 10 weeks till WEG

Hmm, I think I’m getting cabin fever. NEED TO RIDE!!!!! What I now call the “Understudies” who are riding Maile and Manny are now clear on a few things. Horse are to be marching in the walk, they can stretch longer and lower than they ever thought possible, if you double cluck the ponies better be cantering, if you use one stick the ponies better be doing some sort of lateral movement, and when you stop even to get off they need to be squared up. I know this sounds a little strict but really it’s not because

“Nothing means nothing and everything means something”

“Practice doesn’t make perfect, only perfect practice makes perfect”

Trying to maintain a positive Attitude I have signed Maile and Manny up for a pre WEG show Near Denver for August 20- 23rd. This will be the only chance to really have a mock run through. This means I have about 5 weeks to get back on and have a functioning leg. I have know idea what to expect when I do get on but I’m anticipating zero complications!. Big time LOL- now that’s optimism.

So to help with the being ready to ride I am now back on a strict diet as the past 5 weeks have not been kind to my body. My taste buds have been thrilled with the abundance of delicious comfort food and the glasses of wine to wash it down with allowing me to drown my frustrations away. With the cost of riding breaches in mind I’d say I have about 15 pounds to lose. REALLY not kidding!!! When you are wheel chair bound living on a 1600 calories a day diet and add at the minimum 1500 more calories a day with zero exercise the pounds add up. And let me tell you this is not when you want your Significant other to say “That’s ok it just more to love” And the late evening eating of pizza pockets, Pringles, and cheese filled quesadillas are not what I call helpful support when I am eating blue berries and nuts. All jokes aside I normally have a very good diet and exercise at the gym 3 to 4 times a week with wheeling for a bit of cardio. My injured arm hasn’t let me do any of that, causing there to be some soft spots developing on my body. At this point I’m really glad there is this thing called Muscle memory,

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